Jeep owner goes 'orange'
Posted by Mike on 05/12/2011
We hope this is EVERYONE'S experience with!
RP in Carolina wrote:
"Thank you so much for your personal assistance the past month in regards to my 1995 jeep YJ. After having my interior re-done i was looking at the grim reality of placing the good ol black seatbelts back into my jeep. Upon checking the web thank god i found your site and you to assist me. As you can see by the pics i have sent you the new orange belts certainly enhance the new look of my jeep .Thanking you again."
After further email exchange, the customer wrote again:
"Thank-you for your e-mail regarding your company. With employees like that i certainly can understand why your company is successful. It was a joy to speak to your guys 4 weeks after my first order only to find out he recalled our prior conversation in detail. I have already passed your web site on to several friends who are interested in new seatbelts in color. Again thank-you so much for your e-mail. Have a great day !"

john. 2024-01-04 08:26:02